Amanda Knox Parents Face Slander Charges in Italy

Amanda Knox Parents Face Slander Charges in Italy
It’s been nearly four months since Amanda Knox returned to the U.S. after spending four years in an Italian jail. Now she may be going back to the country.

Why return to a place where she was jailed for so long?

Not to see the sights, although her lawyer says she still loves the country and would even consider returning as a tourist one day. But in the more immediate future, Amanda may testify on behalf of her parents, who face criminal charges of slander.

amanda knox pic 381x520 Amanda Knox, Parents Face Slander Charges in Italy

Curt Knox and Edda Mellas, who are divorced, are charged with slandering the Perugia police based on statements they made to London’s Sunday Times.

In the interview, they repeated Amanda Knox’s claims that she had been physically abused and verbally threatened by police during an interrogation.

How living at home in Washington State, Amanda Knox, 24, is expected to be called as a defense witness at their trial, which is set to begin on March 30.

Knox’s murder conviction was overturned last October, but she also faces slander charges for statements regarding police conduct she made during her trial.


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