Kirsten Dunst Upskirt Candids at the Box in London

Kirsten Dunst Upskirt Candids at the Box in London
Kirsten Dunst suffered a "upskirt" while getting out of her car at the Box in London. Two out of the three photos aren't too bad but the third photo clearly shows that Kristen hasn't been keeping herself maintained.

EDIT: A lot of other websites are calling this a "lip slip" but I really wouldn't classify this as an actual lip slip. Check out 6 more pics after the jump.

Kirsten Dunst Upskirt Candids at the Box in London
Kirsten Dunst Upskirt Candids at the Box in London
Kirsten Dunst Upskirt Candids at the Box in London
Kirsten Dunst Upskirt Candids at the Box in London
Kirsten Dunst Upskirt Candids at the Box in London
Kirsten Dunst Upskirt Candids at the Box in London


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